It is not the Academy Awards, but being selected by peers to present research at professional medical meetings and conferences, or have your research published, is as close as it gets for physicians. Like the Oscar, getting one selection a year is outstanding, but to receive six—as in the case of Dr. Steven Chudik this past year—it is an exceptional accomplishment. Four Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Teaching and Research Foundation (OTRF) research projects conducted by Dr. Steven Chudik and honors medical students from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine, were presented at national or international annual conferences to more than 8,000 physicians and one was accepted for publication.
According to Dr. Steven Chudik, founder and president of OTRF, the organization’s research has been presented and published many times in the past. “What most people don’t realize is that research goes on all around us every day in all fields, not just medicine,” said Dr. Chudik. “With OTRF research projects, we evaluate and improve patient care by conducting clinical outcome research. Through these efforts we continue to gain a understanding of anatomy, injury and healing; basic sciences; and we innovate and create new technology to develop less invasive and more effective surgical procedures, surgical instruments and implants,” he explained.
The OTRF-sponsored research projects chosen for presentation are:
- Osteochondral Repair with Synthetic Plugs Increases the Coefficient off Friction and Damages the Opposing Cartilage Counterface, presented by Rosalind Franklin medical student, Aaron Baessler, to the International Cartilage Repair Society, Chicago.
- Pre-Operative Video Education Has a Positive Impact on Patient Arthroscopic Surgical Experience But May Not Improve Satisfaction Scores, presented by Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine medical student, Greg Barton, to the International Cartilage Repair Society, Chicago.
- A Biomechanical and Clinical Comparison of Midshaft Clavicle Fixation Performed with Either Two or Three Screws on Each Side of the Plate, presented by Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine medical students, Christopher Larsen and Brian Sleasman, to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.
- Osteochondral Repair with Synthetic Plugs Increases the Coefficient off Friction and Damages the Opposing Cartilage Counterface, presented in Lyon, France at the International Cartilage Repair Society.
- A Biomechanical and Clinical Comparison of Midshaft Clavicle Fixation Performed with Either Two or Three Screws on Each Side of the Plate, presented by Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine medical students, Christopher Larsen and Brian Sleasman, to the joint meeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and Association of American Physicians (ASCI/APP), Chicago.
The OTRF-sponsored research recently chosen for publication in Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery is:
- Transhumeral portal for arthroscopic glenohumeral resurfacing procedures: A cadaveric study of the safety and accuracy, written by Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine medical student, Kim Bartosiak.
A complete list of active and past OTRF-sponsored research can be accessed by clicking the OTRF Research tab above.